Sometimes you have an application that keeps connections open while they should be closed. Because Windows does not seem to have the capability to kill an connection without killing the whole process we’ll to use a 3rd party tool called cports.exe. Download here:Â $ProcessName= "BackgroundTransferHost" $State = "CloseWait " while ($true) { sleep -Seconds […]
Category: Other
Mscorsvw.exe and Ngen.exe high CPU usage
I could not stand that my laptop was blowing all day like a hairdryer and had to search for a fix. High CPU Taskmanager was showing that The .NET Framework optimization service and mscorsvw.exe areusing moderate CPU, but enough to let me fans blow fast. After some searching I came across and Basically […]
Get Blocksize of Cluster Shared Volumes
WMI command to get the blocksize / clustersize of disks and Cluster Shared Volumes. get-wmiobject win32_volume -ComputerName . | FT Name,Blocksize You could also use this within a Powershell script.
Configure iSCSI Initiator Target Portals with Powershell
By default when you discover target portals with the iSCSI Initiator, the default values will be on “Default” for Local adapter and Initiator IP. To make sure the initiator is using the right IP addresses and NICs, and overcome connections problems, you will need to set the local adapter and initiator IP static. Ofcourse you […]
NIC Teaming modes and Distribution algorithms in Windows Server 2012 R2
I find it quite hard to remember the distribution algorithms and the advantages of each teaming mode with switch configuration, so I’ve made a summary with pointers to grab when needed again. Use it to your advantage 🙂 ————————————– Outbound traffic can be distributed among the available links in many ways. One rule that guides […]
Default printer problems and fix
We were experiencing some issues with customers and default printer changes. No matter what settings we use we still encountered change of default printer. Did some research and found that the NTUSER.DAT file seems corrupted, or something set wrong in the file. The NTUSER.DAT file is a registry file. Every user profile created on a […]
Restore IP settings from registry Powershell Tool
I’m currently working on v2v from VMware to Hyper-v. Because the new VM’s on Hyper-V get new NIC’s all the IP settings are lost and because I didn’t want to restore the settings all manually I wanted to create a powershell script and eventually ended up with a Powershell tool with GUI. It uses the […]
Protected: Powershell Foreach Speed
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