When working with Azure Functions and passing parameters in the HTTP request, this piece of Powershell comes in handy every time. $Request.Query.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { New-Variable -Name $_.Key -Value $_.Value } This will make a variable from each parameter you pass in the request.So for example; If you request the following Azure functions URL:https://darryl.azurewebsites.net/api/Get-Info?code=WrUum7c6ZM3YyyjY4O6Im8YtL7asx0ShxXJ5pUCDaL4832lsQYZkng==&myname=darryl […]
Category: Azure
Storage Spaces Direct in Azure – Performance
Starting this blog with questions: How do you deploy a highly available fileserver in Azure? Do you count on the SLA (99.9%) of Azure when using premium storage, so doing a single fileserver? How does it perform? In this post I’m diving in on Storage Spaces Direct in Azure, giving a few guidelines but also […]
Migrate your VMs to Azure with Site Recovery
In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to migrate your on-premises virtual machines to Azure – focusing mostly on Azure Site Recovery – along with key prerequisites but also limitations. Site Recovery Migrating virtual machines to the cloud can be painful and complicated unless you use the right tools for the job. Microsoft offers a […]
Azure Backup and Site Recovery in Public Preview
Although the many //Build/ announcements where overshadowing the news, Azure Site Recovery and Azure Backup for v2 machines (ARM) are in Public Preview! There have been some changes, in the “old” portal you’d have to create a vault based on what you wanted to do, ASR or Backup. In the new portal ASR and Backup […]