Microsoft does not give the functionality to Install Updates on Remote Computer out of the box, ofcourse there are some 3rd party tools but…
This powershell script will give you the ability to install windows updates on a remote computer without 3rd party programs.
The script will remotely create a scheduled task on the given computer with the needed powershell cmdlets to:
1. Search for updates
2. Download updates
3. Install updates
Force Install Updates on Remote Computer
Force Install Updates on Remote Computer using a scheduled task
InstallUpdates -Computer "" -User "Contoso\Administrator" -Password "Password"
Version 1.0 - Initial Script
Written by Darryl van der Peijl
Date: 30.05.2014
Use at own risk
Function InstallUpdates {
$SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString –String $Password –AsPlainText -Force
$Credential = New-Object –TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential –ArgumentList $User, $SecurePassword
Download the script here: